Beautiful South American Paragliding Sites


No trip to South America would be complete without the opportunity to test the paragliding sites here. The good news is that there are plenty to choose from so here are just a few to consider when planning a trip to this fascinating continent:

Banos in Ecuador
Banos is becoming a great place for those who are into adventure sports. The terrain around the town is very mountainous so is has become something of a magnet for paragliders. There is a volcano here and paragliding gives you a chance to get close to it but it is highly recommended that paragliders do not get too close because of the ash plume. This is perhaps a site that is better for those who have a little more experience.

Quixada in Brazil
Located on the northeast coast of Brazil, this town is now a great launch site for paragliders. It is the geography of the site that makes it popular as there are plenty of tall rocks on each side of the town. The weather conditions are also another determining factor. Long distance cross country paragliding is popular here because the winds mean that flying for hundreds of kilometres is not impossible.