Paragliding Safety Tips

While a fun sport, paragliding is not for everyone, simply because it takes place in the air. In other words, paragliding is flying, but not in an aircraft. You will be in the air, and there will be nothing or no-one to hang onto in the event of an emergency. That is why you must take into account safety precautions before attempting to set foot off the ground. Let’s discuss some of the safety tips you will want to practise as a paraglider.

Fly when the weather conditions are favourable

However much you love paragliding, you cannot just wake up and start the adventure without checking the weather conditions. You must ensure that the weather conditions are for you; not against you. Remember, the weather can be good, but you must be prepared, since a small change could mean that you postpone your adventure. From the wind direction to wind speed, a lot of weather factors will impact your paragliding experience.

Use safety gear

We cannot dispute the fact that most paragliders get injured as a result of not using proper safety gear. While flying, be sure to wear a helmet, boots, elbow and knee pads, and body armour. These will minimise any injury risks in case of an accident. The parachute itself must be of good quality, whether you are buying it yourself, or it belongs to a paragliding company.

Fly with someone

It is recommended to have an experienced paraglider with you, not just on your maiden flight, but during your initial flights. You will need to complete several flights in order to gather enough experience to be on your own. With an experienced paraglider by your side, you will be guided on the right thing to do, how high you should fly and many other factors. Don’t assume that you are already a pro on your first day. You should be patient and be willing to learn before you can fly the way you want.

Understand the landing and launching basics

It should be stressed once again that safety should be your main concern while in the sky. Thus, you will need to plan well in advance how to approach your landing and launching zones. One thing to remember is that you must land within the predetermined zone, otherwise you may land on a rough surface, which may result in injuries. Thus, you will need to know where you will land even before you touch the skies.